Photography Magazine

First of Sri Lankan Landscape Photography Magazine.

Last Magazines

In essence, Landscape Photography Magazine is not just a platform for showcasing photographs but also a dynamic hub that seeks to nurture talent, provide opportunities, and bridge connections within the global landscape photography community.

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LPM Introduction


The Landscape Photography Magazine serves as a dedicated platform to elevate the recognition and popularity of Sri Lankan landscape photography.


Our mission is to showcase and celebrate the beauty of Lankan landscapes through the lens, fostering a community passionate about this unique art form.

Landscape Photography Works Publish


We provide a space to feature and publish exceptional landscape photography works.


Whether you're an amateur or a seasoned professional, our platform welcomes submissions from all levels of photographers.

Showcasing Talent

By showcasing your work, we aim to promote and amplify the talent within the Sri Lankan landscape photography community.

Create Opportunities: Landscape Photographers Portal

Gateway for Opportunities

Our platform serves as a portal for landscape photographers, offering various opportunities to enhance their skills and visibility.


Connect with fellow photographers, share experiences, and stay updated on the latest trends and opportunities in the world of landscape photography.

Educational Resources

Access resources that can aid in skill development, from tutorials to expert insights.

Work with International Landscape Photography Community

Global Exposure

Collaborate with the international landscape photography community to provide exposure for Sri Lankan photographers on a global scale.

Exchange of Ideas

Engage in a cross-cultural exchange of ideas, techniques, and perspectives, fostering a rich and diverse landscape photography community.


Forge partnerships with international organizations and photographers to create collaborative projects and initiatives that transcend geographical boundaries.